Dobry den pane, robime zbierku na miestny domov dochodcov a radi by sme sa vas opytali, ci by ste nam niecim neprispeli ..... ale s radostou, dam vam moju svokru!
Add these command-line switches to activate cheat modes:
-allrace - Access to All Races
-allcars - Access to All Cars
"C:Midtownmidtown.exe" -allcars -allrace
Player Name Cheats
Change your player name to the following by clicking "New" in the player selection screen.
Cheats marked with *NO SCORE* will disable race result monitoring and score. You cannot unlock new vehicles with these enabled (for obvious reasons).
Code Result
Showme Cops - Displays all Police Units on the map. *NO SCORE*
Big Bus Party - All traffic vehicles are city busses. *NO SCORE*
Tiny Car - All traffic vehicles are compact cars. *NO SCORE*
amizdA eoJ - All traffic vehicles drive around IN REVERSE.
Jet Planes - All traffic vehicles are Air Planes. *NO SCORE*
Warp Eleven All - AI is 10x faster. *NO SCORE*
More In-Game Cheats
Also entered as the player name. Only available in single player "Cruise Mode". These codes activate the corresponding new vehicle.
Code Result
"vasedans" & Pick the Cadillac Generic car
"vasedanl" & Pick the Bullet Generic light car
"vavan" & Pick the Ford F350 The van
"vadiesels" & Pick the City Bus The Diesel
"vacompact" & Pick the VW Bug Rabbit-type compact car
"vapickup" & Pick the Ford F350 Pickup truck
"vabus" & Pick the City Bus Bus with new paint job
"vadelivery" & Pick the Ford F350 Delivery truck
"valimo" & Pick the Mustang GT Random limo
"valimoblack" & Pick the Mustang GT Black limo
"valimoangel" & Pick the Mustang GT White limo
"vataxi" & Pick the Cadillac Yellow cab
"vataxicheck" & Pick the Cadillac Green checkered cab
"vaboeing_small" & Pick the City Bus Mini-jet
In-Game Cheats
Press CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F7 until a box appears on the screen. Type the codes below. These only work in Single Player mode.
Code Result
/nodamage No damage mode. *NO SCORE*
/damage Damage back on.
/dizzy Spinning sky.
/fuzz Toggles cop radar. *NO SCORE*
/bridge Bridge very quickly. *NO SCORE*
/ufo Replace planes with UFOs.
/swap Swap the train with a string of 737s.
/slide Ambient cars have no friction. *NO SCORE*
/puck Player experiences no friction. *NO SCORE*
/grav Half gravity. *NO SCORE*
/postal Horn fires mailboxes. *NO SCORE*
/talkfast Commentary plays fast.
/talkslow Commentary plays slow.
/big Big people.
/tiny Tiny people.
/nosmoke Wheel / Damage smoke off.
/smoke Wheel / Damage smoke on.
Sliding in Corners Help
When you are going through a corner and keep sliding to where counter-steering dosn't work press the "R" button to put the automatic transmission into reverse. Get the timing right and you can go into a turn in a Panoz Roadster and come out with little or no damage. Just make sure you put the car back into gear. This works well with the Panoz Roadster and pretty well with the Mustang GT.