To unlock the Site B option at the main menu, successfully complete all the missions.
Get Infinite Cash
When in the game, just type in "Up,[,DOWN,[" without the commas.
Change Starting Money
This hack allows you twiddle other values to enhacne your game. Locate constant.ini in your drive letter:jpogdata directory. Open the file using a text editor (like Notepad) and adjust any of the following lines to alter your game (note that the default values are listed). All of the values are self-explanatory (start drooling).
This hack allows you to deal with the increased number of dig sites from the Dig Site Hack. Locate constant.ini in your drive letter:jpogdata directory. Open the file using a text editor (like Notepad) and search for the lines FossileHuntStartNumteams and FossileHuntMaxNumTeams. Change both values to 99. Search for the line FossileStorageMaxItems and change it to something around 15.
More Units/Structures
This hack allows you to twiddle the max number of units and structures you can create. Go into your drive letter:jpogdataunit directory. Open the following files using a text editor (like Notepad) and search for the line UnitSpecific for each one. Change the value to something you like, then save the file with a .ini extension:
This hack only allows you to unlock all dig sites on islands you haven't explored. If you've landed on any island and started digging, that island is excluded from this hack. Locate FslHunt.ini in your drive letter:jpogdata directory. Open the file using a text editor (like Notepad) and search for the line maxchosen. Set that value to 9. Save the file with an .ini extension.
Various Codes
Press the following keys to activate the cheat while playing the game:
Tornado = left up right down [ ]
$10,000 = up [ down [
Rampage Time = [ [ [ left left left