To enable cheats, while playing a game, bring down the console with [Shift + ~] and type: "devmapall". You can then enter any of the following codes in the console:
Cheat Code - Effect
god - God Mode
noclip - No Clipping Mode
notarget - Enemies Ignore You
kill - Kill Yourself
give all - All Weapons and Health/Armor at Max
give health - Health at 100%
give armor - Armor at 100%
give ammo - Ammo at 100%
give X # - Give Item X (# = amount)
Level Codes
Use one of the following entries with the map code:
Use one of the following entries with the spawn code:
Hint: Double-bladed lightsaber:
Press [Shift] + ~ during game play in multi-player mode to display the console window. Type devmap to enable cheat mode. When the map loads, select your lightsaber, then holster it and type /thedestroyer in the console window.
Kill All AT-STs
During gameplay, open the console [Shift + ~] and type: "devmapall". Then type use atst death.
Bullet Time
During gameplay, open the console [Shift + ~] and type: "devmapall". Then type thereisnospoon.
Full Inventory
During gameplay, open the console [Shift + ~] and type: "devmapall". Then type give inventory.
Full Force
During gameplay, open the console [Shift + ~] and type: "devmapall". Then type give force.
Get Certain Force Powers
To get the force powers that you want, hold shift and ~ then type devmapall and then use one on the powers:
Press Shift+~ and type HELPUSOB 1 and press enter. Then type NOCLIP. You will be able to fly and go through walls.
Advanced Force
In order to have advanced force powers, do the following:
1) Press and hold shift and press ~
2) Type in "devmapall" without quotations and press enter
3) Type in "setforceall 5" without quotations and press enter
Now when you use mind trick, you control the enemy you are looking at for a limited amount of time. If he has any type of gun, you get super repetitive fire. You also get Desann and Tavion's fighting style.
Cheat Codes
Press [Shift & ~} during gameplay to display the console window. then type in "helpusobi 1" (without quotation)or "devmapall" to enable cheat mode.Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
God mode god
No clipping mode noclip
Disable enemy AI notarget
Suicide kill
All wepons,full health,armour give all
Full Health give health
Full armour give armour
Full ammo give ammo
all weapons give weapons
Spawn seeker drone spawn seeker
999 health undying
level select map+level
spawn indicated item spawn+item name
Drive AT-ST drive_atst
Crash Game fly_xwing
Use force heal abillity force_heal
Fourth lightsaber move satforce 500
Tweak force abillity setforceall 1138
Set force jump level setforcejump (1-3)
Set force heal level setforceheal (1-3)
Set force push level setforcepush (1-3)
Set force pull level setforcepull (1-3)
Set force speed level setforcespeed (1-3)
Set force grip level setforcegrip (1-3)
Set force lightning level setforcelightning(1-3)
Set jedi mindtrick level setforcemindtrick(1-3)
Set level for all forces setforceall (1-3)Full force bar give force
Full battery bar give battery
all weapons give weapons