Vola Karolko na hotline Microsoft: Dobry den. Vcera som si kupil Windows XP... Ohoo... Vyborne! Blahozelame vam! ... a dnes mi to cele padlo. To ste mi uz oznamili. Ako znie vasa otazka?
Quickly find a shirt and pants for all party members. Search dressers for those clothing items. Surface people will not accept you without a shirt and pants. A mage or priest may wear robes and be accepted. If the game says "not yours" when getting clothes, steal them, but make sure no one is looking. Also, you may want to take some dishes as well as a few books that nobody wants (without the "not yours" message). The books are useful. Some books shoot arrows, others will teach you of the surface world, and the rest have exciting stories. Make sure you do not leave Fort Emergence without having dishes or being dressed first. To visit other Exile forts, use the exit to the south. To get to the surface world, exit to the north.