Otazka pre radio Jerevan: "Dvorim istej dame, ona ma vsak stale odmieta. Mam ju pomilovat alebo zastrelit?" Odpoved: "Najprv zastrelit - potom pomilovat"
Use the following trick to get any player and create a player with as high a rating as you want in dynasty mode. First, at the main menu, go to "General Manger", and trade, sign, or create whomever you want. Next go to "Season", and on to "Dynasty". Turn off the salary cap and alter your depth chart. You should now have all of your favorite players without having to pay too much for them.
Classic Teams
Defeat the teams in classic challenge mode to unlock them in single player mode.
Unlocking bonus stadiums easily
Choose a team and simulate seasons in dynasty mode until the desired stadium is unlocked.