Maximalna odvaha je, ked muz na mol ozraty pride domov o 4-tej rano a smelo sa opyta manzelky, ktora ho caka s metlou v ruke revajuca od zlosti. "Upratujes alebo odlietas niekam?"
Access the directory where the game is installed. Open the VCOP2.INI file. Find the [Game Setting] line. Add Extra=2 beneath it. Close and save the file. Now, during a game, Special and Cheat options appear when Mode Settings (F6) is selected.
Play as Dural
Highlight Akira and press Down, Up, Right, Left and A.
Play as Silver Dural
At the Fighter Select Screen,Press Down,Up,Right,Guard/Kick,Left. (Not Too Fast).
Play as Gold Dural
At the Fighter Select Screen,Press Down,Up,Left,Guard/Kick,Right. (Not Too Fast).