V zoo na klietke v ktorej je lev visi takyto oznam: Majitel leva prosi, aby ste leva nekrmili. O nieco nizsie visi dalsi oznam: Lev prosi, aby ste tu prvu tabulu ignorovali.
Edit the file "autoexec.cfg" in the "cfg" folder of the game and add "wirbelwind" (without quotes) to the end. You can now use the ` key to open the console. Enter the codes below, 1 to turn on the code and 0 to turn it off.
Code - Effect
godmode 1 - God Mode for Squad
game_noai 1 - Disable AI
i_am_an_alien 1 - Enable Transparency (after save load)
getitem # - Get Item Number #
setxplevel # - Set All Squad Members to # Level
cheat_showall 1 - Show All Enemies