Zaujemca o prenajom izby hovori: Toto ze je izba s komfortom? Moje nervy! Ako potom vyzera izba bez komfortu? To je tato ista izba, ibaze vas bude budit moja matka.
Use this method for special cheats, but make a backup of any files you edit first! Edit the '' file in the /scripts directory where you installed the game. Add the following to the end:
Start a new game and press one of the keys below to get the listed effect:
Key Effect
1 Small Sword
2 Big Sword
3 Big Shield
4 Small Shielf
G Create lightsabre
K Start lightsabre
F10 Toggle god mode
F5 Move camera left
F6 Move camera right
P Change MOV
H Sleepy Hollow type gore
M Mutational Gore
X Matrix style gore
F9 Level skip
F8 Level Up