This 'bug' allows one to pick locks extra fast. Simply start picking a lock and then keep pressing your map key, in a few seconds 47 will be done picking the lock a lot faster than normal.
Cheat Codes
Make a backup of this file before proceeding to edit anything. Use notepad or a text editor to edit the file hitman2.ini. At the end of the file add enableconsole 1. Now start a game and during gameplay press ~ to get the console and enter a code below
god 1 - Invincibility
giveall - All weapons
infammo - Unlimited ammo
invisible 1 - Invisibility
These cheats may only work for the beta version of the game.
Cheat Codes
Open the file Hitman2.ini with a text editor and add this line:
EnableCheats 1
While playing, type any of the following:
CheatCode - Effect
IOIRULES - Toggle God Mode
IOIGIVES - All Weapons and Items
IOISLO - Toggle Slow Motion
IOIER - Toggle Bomb Mode
IOIHITALI - Toggle Ali Mode
IOILEPOW - Toggle Special Attack Mode
IOIGRV - Toggle Force of Gravity Mode
IOINGUN - Toggle Nail Rifle Mode
IOIPOWER - Mega Power