Sedia na streche dve dievcatka. Jedno dobre a druhe zle. Pluju na okoloiducich. Zle dievca trafilo dva razy a dobre dievca styri razy. A tak zase raz dobro zvitazilo nad zlom!
During the game, type one of the following cheat-codes:
DNKROZ : toggle god mode
DNSTUFF : get all weapons, ammo, accesscards etc...
DNWEAPONS : get all weapons and ammo
DNCLIP : toggle clipping. Clipping off means that you can walk trough walls
DNRUN: run faster
DNCORNHOLIO: God mode (toggles)
DNKROZ: God mode (toggles)
DNWARP[episode][level]: jump to other episode and level
DNSCOTTY[episode][level]: jump to other episode and level
DNAMMO: all ammo full
DNVIEW: 'follow' mode.. watch duke from a few feet behind, like [F7] key
DNWEAPONS: all available weapons.. usually 1-6
DNUNLOCK: when in front of a lock door.. unlocks it
DNITEMS: keys... items...etc.
DNSTUFF: keys, weapons, ammo
DNRATE: shows rate (2 numbers top left of screen)
DNSKILL[skill level 1-5]: Re-start level with skill #
DNCLIP: walk-through-walls
DNHYPER: steroids!
DNENDING: ends the episode
DNCASHMAN: Duke throws out some cash w/ [space bar]
DNMONSTERS: what does this do? Remove all monsters?
The Last Boss
From the moment you arrive in the stadium, you have to use the jetpack. When you see the balloon of DUF-Beer fire a rocket on it. The balloon explodes and gives you an enormous amount of weapons. Now, you can defeat the boss.
Strip It!
Dnstrip=makes the stripers strip when you type dncashman.
Game Change Cheat
Be careful when using this cheat.
First of all, you have to have the registered version of Duke Nukem 3D. On the CD there is a folder called 'Goodies'.Open it and copy everything in the 'Build' folder to your Duke Nukem directory (usually C:Duke3d). There is a file called 'kextract.exe'. To use this go into a MS-DOS prompt box and switch to your Duke Nukem folder. Then type (with the spaces)
kextract.exe Duke3d.grp *.map
This will extract all the game files out of the grouped file.You can use the 'build.exe' file to edit all '*.map' files. There is a help file for Build if you get stuck. If you edit a level and want to get the original again, simply extract the file you changed (Ex. ,the second level of episode 1). The *.map simply means extract all files of .map type. After you edit the levels or just look at them, use 'kgroup.exe' the same way you used kextract.Using this cheat you can look at levels and change to make them easier, or for you true Dukesters out there you can make the levels harder.You can even make your own levels!If you make some good ones, e-mail them to me at!