Sedia na streche dve dievcatka. Jedno dobre a druhe zle. Pluju na okoloiducich. Zle dievca trafilo dva razy a dobre dievca styri razy. A tak zase raz dobro zvitazilo nad zlom!
Enter TEXAS as a code at the cheat menu. All weapons available in the current level will be unlocked.
Unlimited ammunition
Enter MADMAN as a code at the cheat menu.
Level select
Enter SELLOUT as a code at the cheat menu. Load a saved game and all levels will be unlocked.
Enter SLLEWGH as a code at the cheat menu.
Big head mode
Enter HEID as a code at the cheat menu.
Zoo mode
Enter ZOO as a code at the cheat menu. You will be able to kill any animal in the game with the war club as a weapon.
Demo mode and target mini-game
Enter HUNTER as a code at the cheat menu. Besides starting demo mode, you will also be able to play the Target mini-game at the main title screen. Use the D-pad to move the pointer and Fire to shoot.
Short Cut
On the mountain Level there should be a path that you take and a ship comes out attacking you destroy that and there will be a waterfall to the bottom right jump down it but try to cling to the edge by leening towards it and thats a short cut so you don`t have to fight all the other monsters.
Play as Raptor in multiplayer
Enter RAPTOR as a cheat in the cheat menu.
Pacing lizard at title screen
Go to the "Cheats" menu and watch the "Art Gallery" presentation. After "The Turok Team" picture, it ends and begins to cycle again. Return to the first main menu and wait for about five minutes. From the left, a small green lizard will walk
along the bottom of your screen, with a picket sign that reads "Lost Land or Bust!!!". When he reaches the right side of the screen, he will turn around and walk the other way, revealing the other side of the sign which reads "Start the
Game!". He will look over at you a couple of times, but mainly stares at the ground.
Nuke in single player mode
In Chapter 8, "Arena", defeat the Steracosaur Boss. After doing this, the force field around the middle pillar will drop. Climb to the top of the pillar to get both the Nuke Attachment (for the Rocket Launcher) and a Nuke. You will now be able to fire the Nuke only twice (the Nuke Attachment has a Nuke already in it). There are no more Nukes past Chapter 8. Also , the "All weapons" and "Unlimited ammunition" cheats do not work for the Nuke.
Nuke in multi-player mode
The Nuke can be found in three multiplayer levels: Tears Of Horatio, Withering Heights, and Dino-Depot. Note: Do not have the "Unlimited Ammo" option in the multi-player options menu activated or the Nuke will not appear. You can still use the "Unlimited Ammo" cheat in the cheat menu and get the Nuke. The "Unlimited Ammo" cheat does not give you unlimited Nukes. The Nuke will respawn after a period of time.
Short Cut
On the mountain Level there should be a path that you take and a ship comes out attacking you destroy that and there will be a waterfall to the bottom right jump down it but try to cling to the edge by leening towards it and thats a short cut so you don`t have to fight all the other monsters.