V rodine kynologa sa narodili trojcata. V porodnici ich priniesli ukazat stastnemu otcovi, ten si ich chvilu pozorne prezera a potom hovori: Toho stredneho mi nechajte.
First, go to the Tonight's Matchup screen. Then type the following codes:
Big Heads - Hold Up, Pass and Turbo at the same time
Huge Heads - Up, Up, Pass, Turbo
No Tag Arrow - Left, Left, Pass, Turbo
No Drift - Down, Down, Shoot, Turbo
Secret Options
First, go to the Tonight's Matchup screen. The type the next numbers. Use the Turbo ( B ) for the 1st number, the Shoot button ( down arrow ) for the middle number and use the Pass button ( right arrow ) for the last number.
025 - Baby Sized Players
048 - No Music
111 - Tournament Mode
120 - Fast Passing
273 - Stealth Turbo
390 - No Pushing
461 - Unlimited Turbo
552 - Hyper Speed
610 - No Codes Allowed
616 - Block Power
709 - Quick Hands
802 - Maximum Power
937 - Goal Tending
Change Rodman's haircolor
Go the team select screen. Go to the Chicago Bulls and press Pass.
Rooftop Jam
To get to play on the rooftop of an apartment building, go to the "Tonights match up" screen and HOLD Left on the JOYSTICK, the press TURBO THREE TIMES really quickly.