Enter the code GHOST in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
Trails Follow Ball
To see light trails when you throw the ball, enter the code TRAILS in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
Secret Fans
If you look closely in the crowd during a game, you'll see Bobby Knight (Indiana's men's B-Ball coach). He is wearing a red sweatshirt and has gray hair. Try it. Spike Lee is rumored to be in the crowd too.
Play on Z-Axis Court
Enter the code Z-WOOD in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
Play as the Design Team
Enter the code TEAM-Z in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
No Crowd
Enter the code NOFANS in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
More Fouls Called on Home Team
Enter the code HOMIE in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
Disable Shot Clock
Enter the code BUZZZ in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
Big Heads
Enter the code NOGGIN in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
Alternate Commentary
For different in-game commentary, enter the code MONKEY in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
60 Second Game
Enter the code THIRTY in the Secret Code menu (under OPTIONS.)
1998 Cleveland Indians
Select an exibition and pick the St.Joseph team. Your line-up will change to the 1998 Cleveland Indians.