"Dedo, mate s babkou vraj tichu domacnost. Co ste vyviedli?" "Ja? Vobec nic. Len som hojdal na kolenach vnucku." "A preco to babke prekazalo?" "Ta vnucka ma osemnast ... a je susedova..."
From the [Main Menu] on disc 2, select [Fly] on the Set. Highlight [Play All] and press [Right] twice to highlight the skeleton's tooth. Press [Enter] to watch "Pirates Cave Construction".
Computer Generated Chase Sequence
From the [Main Menu] on disc 2, select [Below Deck]. Highlight [Set Sail] and press [Left] twice to highlight the skull. Press [Enter] to watch a computer animation of the chase scene without voices.
Keith Richards Interview
From the [Main Menu] on disc 2, select [Moonlight Serenade Scene Progression]. Highlight [Main Menu] and press [Down] twice to highlight another skeleton's tooth. Press [Enter] to watch a Keith Richards interview.