Babka sa pyta 5-rocneho vnucika: Tak co, Jozinko, ako sa mas? Vsetko v poriadku? Ale... Vsetko je fajn, len s tou tvojou dcerou su stale nejake problemy.
Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, L1 + L2.
Pick level
Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, L1 + R1.
Unlock Cerebro Files
Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, R1 + R2.
Unlock Debug menu
Go to the main menu and press Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, L1+ R1 + L2 + R2. The debug menu will be available after you pause the game.