Enter the following code during the game, then go to the extras menu to activate the cheat: square, triangle, circle, square, triangle, circle, square, triangle.
Get all Juju power-ups
During the game hit up, right, left, down, triangle, circle, square, down. Now go to the extras menu to activate the cheat.
Get all plants
During the game hit square, triangle, circle, left, up, right, down, down. Now go to the extras menu to activate the cheat.
Get all yorbells
During the game hit up, triangle, left, square, right, circle, down, up. Now go to the extras menu to activate the cheat.
Unlock it all
During the game hit left, right, square, square, circle, circle, left, right. Now go to the extras menu to activate the cheat.
View concept artwork
Get every plant (12 of them) then go to the extras menu.
Unlock movies
After you have seen a movie in the game it will always be available to watch in the extras menu.
Unlock storyboards
Get 200 yorbels.
View concept artwork
Get all the plants (12 of them). Now go to the extras menu to view the concept art.
View movies
You can watch movies again that you have already viewed in the game by going to the extras menu.
View storyboards
Collect 200 yorbels to unlock the storyboards.
Stronger Attack with blowstick
This cheat is good for beginners. To do it run as fast as possible and strike with square just before your run into the enemy. It should do 25%-50% more damage.
All Moonstones
Enter Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Left, Right.