Lekar vravi starej babke: Nebojte sa, babicka, mam pre vas zazracny liek. Po jeho uzivani omladnete o dvadsat rokov! Joj, pan doktor, len aby som neprisla o dochodok!
Go to the main menu and press L1, L2, Square, R2, R1, Circle, X.
Unlock Legends
To unlock the legends players in this game you have to beat michael jordan one on one on the superstar difficulty with the rules set to default and play to 11 pts. Once you defeat him go to the roster menu- by the sign free agents and switch. You can now select any legend and get him on any team you want... even Jordan! It's not easy but it can be done.
Defeating Michael Jordan one-on-one
Make one point and the ball goes to winner mode. When he checks the ball, go with turbo Down/Left and then quickly make a circle around him, go for the sheet, and dunk away. Keep at this until you master faking him with a roll around cross over.
Easy basket
When they check the ball to you, fake the shot and they will jump. Run around them and dunk the ball.
Increase Super Star stats
Press Circle at the main menu to access the active menu. Select "Roster", then "Edit Player". A Super Star player will appear if your "Create A Player" list has no entries. Press R2 to increase the player's stats at the edit player screen. To choose a different player, press L2 to return to the "Create A Player" list. Then, press Start and change to another player.
Strong pass
Press L2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball quickly to your opponent.
Between the legs pass
Press R2 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball between your legs to your opponent.
Rolling pass
Press R1 + X in one-on-one mode to pass the ball by rolling it to your opponent.